
Badge Party – 29 August 2014

A Badge Party was organised to help answer some questions from the teachers involved in the course about the technology and gadgets used.   Being given the responsibility of an android tablet, and even having attended the initial workshop, there was still some concern about submitting the project’s assignments and ultimately using the gadgets in […]


Learning Gains through Play: Module 7 in Action

Module 7 is one of the most significant for the Learning Gains project, emphasising its central theme using play and games as a tool for effective learning.   A teacher workshop was organised on September 6th at Thembelihle Primary School to highlight the use of the Xbox Kinect in a primary school classroom.   Peter […]


First Training Sessions

During the recent school holidays, the first two training sessions for this exciting project were held in Howick.   The first workshop for the project was for the provincial education Heads of Departments (HOD) and principals from five KZN schools and was held at Thembelihle Primary School in Howick, as from 14th July 2014. Mfeka […]


The Badging Reward Concept

Not only does the Learning Gains project use play therapy as a vehicle for learning, but also another key factor in the design of this project is an element of gamification built into the professional development strategies in the form of badging.   The badging concept has been developing worldwide over recent years and involves […]


Teacher Professional Development

Twenty-two Grade 1 and Grade R teachers from the five KZN schools attended our next workshop. Attendees received a Galaxy Tab 3 to assist in their progress throughout the project.   Teachers were rewarded with the right to own their tablets during the course of the project. These tablets were deliberately not loaded with any […]


The evaluation study

As the title suggests, the aim is to explore learning gains through using play. SchoolNet has further lofty aims for this project, namely: to improve learning and literacies; to promote play and a spirit of enquiry in learners; to inspire teachers with new zest for learning and one very specific aim is to explore how […]

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